We help service providers and policymakers to access
and improve their understanding of local communities, and to
change their cultures and working practices, so that they are better
equipped to work with minority ethnic communities, women, different age
groups, people with disabilities and traditionally disadvantaged groups.
We also help local communities to empower themselves and access service providers and policymakers
We apply the experience gained through our ground-breaking MfD project. MfD was a ground-breaking initiative funded by the Housing Corporation and supported by the National Housing Federation. It was piloted among housing associations from 2000 - 2006. White senior executives were mentored by senior black and minority ethnic (BAME) housing professionals to deliver change in their organisations and become Diversity Champions for the sector as a whole. The mentors acted as advisers and sounding boards for ideas for introducing, valuing and promoting diversity.
Research carried out by Dr Nazia Khanum of Equality in Diversity during 2001 established that no comparable initiative had been attempted elsewhere in the UK, Europe or the USA.Diverse FM Training project (Big Lottery funded), Luton Rights’ Employment Advice Service Project, Bangladesh Youth League’s Education and Skills Training Project, Faith Regen UK’s 16 training projects, Federation of Black Housing Organisations’ organisational review for being an effective employer and service provider, Bangladesh Youth League’s organisational review of their capacity for being an education and skills provider.